A good night’s sleep?
Sleep. An absolute pillar of wellbeing but something so many of us struggle with.
With two young kids, I know the pain of a sleepless night and the impact it has on how we function. However, sleep is often a barometer of our overall mental and physical health. If you are struggling with sleep you might want to look a bit deeper….
1) Anxiety and stress are the most commonly cited reasons for not sleeping. Is this you? How are you addressing this?
2) Check your diet. How hard is your digestive system having to work? What’s your caffeine intake?
3) Guilty of a Netflix binge? Maybe try a ‘No screens before bed’ rule. Buy an old-fashioned alarm clock rather than the temptation of your phone.
4) Working from home all day on the computer? Might be worth buying protective blue screen glasses
5) Yoga! The breathwork, the mindfulness, the relaxation- it puts you in the perfect place to have a restful night. But I would say that, wouldn’t I? ;)
6) Think about your bedtime ritual; what would work for you? Perhaps slowing down by lighting your candle, having a bath, reading, or simply pottering around your room for a while before bed.
7) Journal. Get those thoughts down on paper and go to bed with a clear head.