How to get into a regular yoga practice

One of the many things I love about Yoga is how accessible it is. You don’t need expensive equipment or to go out in the dark and cold to a gym. Yoga can be done in a corner, behind the sofa, or in front of your bed at any time.

The tricky part is getting into the habit. Recently I have been running a 10min daily yoga challenge to combat that. Yes, an hour is often hard to find, but 10mins? We can all find 10mins to feel good.

Here are my Top Tips for establishing your ‘Home Yoga Routine’.

1) Decide the time you will do it and keep it at a similar time each day. Habits and consistency are all about routine. Can you add it to another habit you have? Yoga before a dog walk or your morning drink.

2) Make it a ritual. Yoga is more than exercise, it’s a time to connect to your body, mind, and breath. Light that candle, burn incense, create the perfect inviting space.

3) Make yourself accountable. Get a friend to do with you at the same time, write it in your diary, or join a live online class. (Want to join mine? Get in touch!)

4) Listen to your body. Some days you will want a full-body stretch and want to sweat, other days you might just want to nourish your body with some gentle movements. Be aware of your energy levels; how your week has been, your sleep, and, if it’s relevant, your menstrual cycle. Ignore the temptation to ‘power through’ take a second and connect to your body’s needs.

5) Breathwork is key. It can be tempting to want to get straight into movement, but take the time to set your intention and bring your awareness to the breath.

7) Play. Play is not just for kids you know! Play on the mat and explore how your body feels, find expression in the way you move, and let that inner warrior goddess shine through! Want some inspiration? Try Lion’s breath while in Goddess pose!

7) Namaste. Send love and light to yourself with every practice. You made it to your mat, no matter what your yoga looked like, you got there and you carved out time for yourself.

Feel free to get in touch.


A good night’s sleep?